My Eyes on Syria

الخميس، تشرين الأول ١٢، ٢٠٠٦

God Bless your Efforts

أنشر هذا الخبر الذي وصلني ضمن المجلة الشهرية التي يصدرها مركز معلومات المصادر المائية التابع لوزارة الري في سوريا، وكل فخر بأن هؤلاء الشباب يبذلون جهودا تعادل أضعاف ما يتقاضونه، وأقل من أعشار ما يتقاضاه مسؤول لا يعمل شيئا سوى الصراخ في وجه موظفيه ومراجعيه

بارك الله جهودكم

للاطلاع على المشروع زوروا الموقع

Four Syrian counterparts passed the Oracle certificate exam

Four Syrian counterparts, Eng. Yahia Tujjar, Eng. Ali Assad, Eng.

Andre Tome and Eng. Mohanad Dieb passed the Oracle international

certificate examination of “Oracle 9i Database: Fundamentals 1” and

“Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL”. This certification is a basic level of Oracle

database administration and management, which is very useful for the

management of any kinds of similar database applications including

PostGreSQL adopted at WRIC centers.

Including other two counterparts who had already passed the

examination last year, we now have total six of internationally certificated

engineers for database management. We hope that these people will

contribute to the development of our database, as well as the development

of capacity of other WRIC staff.

Eng. Ali Assad Eng. Mohanad Dieb Eng. Andre Tome Eng. Yahia Tujjar